La Lección de Pintura 2011


On September 11, 1973, the day of the military coup in Chile, a child prodigy of art disappears. His friend, a man fond of his art, tells the short existence of who could be a major genius of painting, decades after his disappearance.

Tutti i titoli
  • CL: La Lección de Pintura La Lección de Pintura
  • BG: Урок по рисуване Урок по рисуване
  • HU: Festőlecke Festőlecke
  • IT: Lezione di pittura Lezione di pittura
  • PL: Lekcja malarstwa Lekcja malarstwa
  • CL: A Painting Lesson A Painting Lesson
Data di rilascio 08 Mar 2012
Link IMDb
